i have long understood that i'm not great at everything. my brain and capabilities are, in fact, quite visibly limited in certain areas.
i played sports in high school. did i ever score a real goal? nope. was i a frequent winner of "most enthusiastic" superlatives? you betta believe it. physical coordination is certainly not my strong point. nor is spatial recognition. i once took a ball to the face in an attempt to go for a header in soccer. that lesson was quickly learned.
i kicked some solid butt in the verbal portion of the SAT. did math kick my butt? you better believe it. did it continue fueling my desire to drink beer in college? abso-freakin'-lutely. and lots of it.
there are times i have felt incredibly brilliant, and others in which i felt as if i lacked all intellect necessary in order to be a successful human being or professional. the reality is somewhere in the middle.
we all have intellectual strengths in different areas. 9 different areas, according to Howard Gardner. to my knowledge, i have yet to meet anyone with strengths in all areas. your strengths define the direction you take in life, the path which offers the least resistance to your natural inclinations and skills. i'm not suggesting that the path of least resistance is always best; however, it's going to take a whole lot less effort on your part to be successful in your career.
in pondering how to segment intelligence types, i came upon mr. gardner's 9 intelligence types. see below...
in which areas do you excel? where did nature choose to bless you?
in my case, i'd give myself a solid helping of inter and intrapersonal, a little bit of linguist and a smidge of musical. my weak points? without a doubt, spatial, mathematical, and body-kinesthetic.
it makes sense, then, that i'd end up in my current profession: sales and marketing. it also makes sense that i'd be writing a blog...hmmm.
let me know - does your intelligence type apply to your current profession or favorite activities? where do you suck hard? come on...we all do somewhere :)
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