oh shit

i spent part of the (hot as balls) afternoon yesterday at the neighborhood pool.  surrounded by unfamiliar neighbors and shrieking children, my boyfriend and i were able to block out the noise and relax in the water with slow conversation and our current books of choice.

we read, we swam, we chatted, we drank, and we went home feeling refreshed.

little did we know that we had actually been in quite the shitty predicament.

we received this urgent notice from the neighborhood this morning:

apparently, we weren't floating alone.  someone effing SHAT in the pool.

and so this leaves me to wonder.  was it the drunken 20-somethings who let one slip?  did the beer shits get the best of them?

or was it one of the middle-aged mamas, fearful of leaving their little ones in the pool if even to do their business in the public poo repository?  thinking of this possibility brings new imagery to "dropping the kids at the pool."

could it have been the shrieking children, bored with their pool toys, creating their own "floaters" for entertainment?

i'm tempted to request the size of the float nuggets, in an effort to better deduce who laid the deuce.  but i'm not sure i have the courage.

my only struggle now is to attempt to remember...did i open my mouth under water?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8/23/2011

    Children or possibly a pet...it has happened at many other communities...and we have the solution! (shameless promotion time) www.facebook.com/pooprints


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