i'm not saying i'm a knock-out here. but i don't have any wild facial deformities or physical abnormalities, and in general two legs and two boobs will get you somewhere.
especially if you're in sales.
is it fair? probably not. i do pity the men who run around town in suit and tie, begging for business with critical reception. a skirt and some sexy heels can go a long way in getting the proverbial foot in the door.
that is, of course, until you meet with someone whose sense of reality is calloused with estrogen-hate.
perhaps hate is too strong a word. perhaps it's just an under-appreciation of females in general.
good 'ole male chauvinism. fuck you.
i was having a very successful time as i dropped into potential new clients with my male colleague. my foot got us in the door, his expertise sealed the deal. overall, we generally received a warm welcome and were both appreciated as an enjoyable, professional pair.
i even got a few hugs - solid gold!
that is, until we stopped in butt-hole county to meet with mr. misogyny.
he looked a little (actually, a lot) like the picture below...i'm not even kidding. even my male colleague agreed.
his hair was voluminous, protecting his large head from the incoming hurricane, perhaps? his nails were in dire need of trimming, and his belly comfortably rested on his lap. he thought he was "the man", and clearly only wanted to deal with others whom he considered to be equally in the "man" club.
i began the conversation. his eye contact? entirely on my male colleague.
after some man-to-man banter, i decide to chime in. thanks for ignoring me.
i ask a question. he makes eye contact. thank the Lord! my reward? a condescending response and attention immediately redirected...to whom? my male colleague.
to my colleague's credit, he noticed. he even tried to conjure up some excuse on our walk out of the facility...some sort of reasoning that did not involve a potential undervaluation of my professionalism relating to my vagina.
"perhaps he was overwhelmed by your looks and didn't feel comfortable making eye contact...or talking to you...?"
yeah, right. how about, he was a dick.
perhaps i was due for it. my unfair success based on feminine wiles needed to find equilibrium with a strong knock to the professional ego.
but i was livid. pissed. and pitying the wife symbolized by the wedding band on his chubby ring finger.
am i judging him? absolutely. and i'm o.k. with that.
i hope he loses his position to a woman. and soon.
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ReplyDelete...You'll encounter many of this type throughout your career. All you can do is find a way to manage the situation so that you are still comfortable. I find myself asking uncomfortable questions to make them acknowledge just how rude they are being. For example "Is there an issure I'm unaware of? You seem to be uninterested in what I'm saying and I really don't want to to waste MY valuable time." It gets them a little off kilter and then the real fun begins with passive agressive remarks at my leisure. Oddly enough, they tend to come back for more....some sick pleasure! It's like a showed my dick and now they're interested. It's a little backwards, but a possibly rewarding challenge! <3