i'm serious. few things give me greater joy than when a friend shares something of themselves with me. specifically those things that they don't make the effort to share with the world, or don't feel comfortable making public. i love to be shared with, i love to be a confidant, and i love to share in whatever my friends are feeling.
that feeling might be disgust. for example, perhaps their poo was neon green (it happens, trust me). i'm o.k. with that. thank you for sharing, i feel closer to you now.
that feeling might be regret. a glass of wine too many and you woke up with your panties over some stranger's doorknob. confide in me. i'll help you take yourself and situation less seriously.
it might even be pure joy. you're engaged. you're pregnant. you're taking the next step in something incredibly wonderful. i want to feel joy with and for you.
i love it when you share with me. because i love you.
...and it makes me feel special.
to those friends who have, do and will share with me: thank you.
keep me posted :)
It was SO WONDERFUL seeing you on Saturday :-) I don't know how I failed to mention to you that your blog is awesome and that I've been enjoying the posts a lot! xoxox
ReplyDeletei love you cassinator :)