a practical observation lead me to wonder the following: how do fat people fit in the cruise ship showers?
they're tiny. they're narrow. they leave little elbow room for an average-size human. how does one fit a great dane into a carrying case sized for a chihuahua?
the phenomenon of unhealthy figures on the cruise ship shouldn't have surprised me. apple shapes, pear shapes, and sometimes pineapple shapes. they can all be found on the lido deck.
one of the fabulous conveniences of a cruise ship is the 24/7 iced cream, pizza, burgers and fries. you shall never go hungry, thirsty, or without munchies if you get bored. each meal can last for hours at the endless buffet, and the dining rooms will bring you as many (phenomenal) baskets of bread, entrees, and deserts as you wish.
not only the heavy-hitters on the boat take advantage of the endless foodstuffs. my boyfriend and i certainly enjoyed our fair share.
bread basket arrives. game on. i'm on roll two when the waitress arrives to take our entree order. "you two are such healthy eaters...i am impressed. very light eaters." what does that say to me? golden ticket to snagging a third roll. mmm.
all i'm saying is, i can see the attraction to those who are used to consuming this amount of food. and frequently.
there are a plentiful array of sofas and love seats available at every turn. at first, i mistook these for mere conversation spaces. upon seeing them occupied, i later identified their second purpose: solo seating for the obese. and that's o.k.
but then why the heck aren't the showers biggie-sized?
my boyfriend and i like to take showers together. conserving water, right? :) this was a definite no-go upon our first inspection of the bathroom. an airline-sized area with a small corner allotted for washing.
even the toilets were small. at different points, my man and i both admitted we were afraid of breaking the damn seat off the wall whenever we sat down. and neither of us comes close to breaking 200 lbs. how does that sucker withstand 400!?
we debated the options for the over-sized. perhaps the shower curtain is ignored, the bathroom clearly designed for full submersion. one foot in the shower, one foot on the counter, grab the extendable shower head and go to town?
i don't know. perhaps i will never know. but i couldn't help myself, looking around, wondering how the majority of my cruising companions got themselves clean.
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