i just finished reading an article about the unrealistic expectation we in america have regarding monogamy. that we are willingly naive to believe that someone can remain monogamous for long stretches of time without screwing up. that one partner is not possibly enough to satisfy a human being for an adult lifetime after commitments have been made to "forsake all others"...
here's the article. check it out.
honestly, this article disturbs me. i understand the wandering eye. i realize that both sexes, men and women alike, appreciate and will sometimes naturally fantasize about members of the opposite (or perhaps same) sex who don't happen to be their partners.
but does this mean that we are incapable of resisting the temptation to act upon it? are we depriving ourselves of an innate human need by fiercely fighting to be monogamous?
my personal opinion: no. no way.
sex is an obvious human desire. an orgasm is incredible, and brings the same result no matter who you're with. if you're in a monogamous relationship, why the hell wouldn't that orgasm come from experiencing intimacy with your partner? why would it need to come from a new hot body?
if you want variety, get it from your partner. make an effort. if you're no longer sexually attracted to them, have a talk. don't betray them and play them for fools.
the comfort and fulfillment that come from a monogamous, longstanding relationship far outweighs the momentary pleasures of a sexual encounter. i, for one, am not willing to forsake these priceless gains of fidelity by philandering outside of my relationship.
i am not so naive to believe that he will never fantasize about a never woman. i am not so naive to believe that i will never find temptation outside of my relationship. but i do respect my partner and my relationship enough to understand that monogamy and fidelity bring far more to my life and contribute more to my happiness than any drop of the panties ever could.
infidelity happens. when you let it. i absolutely judge those in relationships who think they have a free pass to sleep around based on an innate human requirement. don't be such a human prokaryote. we're much more complex than that.
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