
i just read a seriously disturbing article. 

they say misery loves company.  i propose that most negative experiences love company. 

therefore, i have decided to share this article with you: read here.

the article describes a 9 year old boy, "michael", who displays unpredictably heated violence and then cold callousness.  he is intelligent, he learns quickly how to manipulate people and situations to get what he wants, and he shows no sign of remorse.

they believe this is tied, in part, to his inability to feel empathy for others.

the first image that hit my mind: the omen.

the second: myself as a young girl.

i was manipulative - there's no doubt of that.  i prided myself in my ability to lie.  but i definitely, definitely felt remorse.  punishment - from a harsh tone, to an angry look, to being sent to my room - it all terrified and mortified me.

not this michael kid.

and that got me thinking further.  do i know anyone, from childhood on, who displays symptoms of being a psychopath? 

let's check out some of the symptoms:
  • calculating
  • manipulative
  • occasionally violent
  • occasionally impulsive
  • quick to anger
  • lack of empathy
  • ability to fake feelings and emotions
some of those certainly strike up an adolescent memory or two.  maybe even some adult memories.

how about for you?  does the article not intrigue and terrify you?