the dress was a little something like this, in a cream color:
...little did i know that wasn't the only "pop" of color i'd have goin' on today.
my first meeting was this morning, at a major hospital in the area. my colleague and i showed up, met our potential client in the lobby, and were guided through the building to his office. we passed patients. we passed candy stripers. we passed doctors, nurses, and other staff. we conversed along the way, and things were clearly starting off on the right foot. i had a good feeling about this meeting, and i was looking forward to sitting down in this potential clients office with my colleague for a solid technical chat.
he brought us to his department office, and the door quickly opened for us. the gentlemen, being gentlemen, let me walk in first, and i quickly heard from my right "miss....miss...MISS!" i turned and found a receptionist, waving me over, actually requesting that i walk around her desk and come over where i can stand just beside her.
my first thought - maybe she wants me to sign in, but she wants to watch me write? maybe she has to issue me some sort of security badge to show that i'm allowed to be in the facility? i honestly had no clue.
she indicated that i lean down, and so i did. in my ear, she whispered, "uh, ma'am. i got a call from the ladies at the front. something about your dress. your slip."
i thought to myself...well, my dress is on. hemline was almost at my knees, it wasn't on backward....
she saw my confused look and indicated i should come back down for another whisper: "your slip seems to be caught. everyone can see your undergarments. we thought you should know."
first pop of color: my face going bright red.
(please keep in mind - my male colleague and male potential client are literally 4 feet away from me making small talk while i'm around the receptionists desk.
i look down, and realize that my slip has indeed become caught right around my hips, and my bright blue underwear is absolutely visible through the top layer of my dress. front and back. fuck ME.
...and so, what's a girl to do? i duck to the side, stick my hands up my skirt, and yank the sucker down, that's what. and then i march my ass - in a ladylike fashion - right into the conference room in order to get this business meeting started.
the meeting went well. great, in fact. i won't lie - the entire time i was wondering whether or not the two gentlemen in the room were aware of my booty-baring debacle. i was also thanking my lucky stars that i've been doing squats lately.
at the conclusion of our meeting, i snuck ahead of the guys to the receptionist, and thanked her for letting me know. just to be safe - i gave her a gander of my backside to ensure no cheek-age was visible. i got a thumbs up.
i certainly got the "pop" of color i was looking for today. in the company color, no less. next time, though, i think i'm going to invest in some strategically placed safety pins. to save my ass.
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